Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 7, 2009

Jon & Kate Gosselin's Divorce Papers Revealed!

Jon and Kate Gosselin of TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8" are splitting up. The Gosselin divorce, after 10 years of marriage and eight kids, is nothing new in the world of reality TV, where romances have crumbled on and off camera. The question is, why? Let’s follow Chinese Astrology to figure out what’s wrong in the Gosselins' marriage.

Born March 28, 1975, Kate Gosselin's primary personality traits are ruled by the Chinese Zodiac elemental animal, the Wood Rabit. Her sense of calm and a modest, unassuming presence is just what is needed to smooth ruffled feathers. The Rabbit's love of peace can manifest itself in a somewhat negative way as a love of comfort. She may generally avoid any kind of confrontation, as much because it disturbs her peace of mind as because she is fundamentally a timid soul who withers under criticism.

Born April 1, 1977, Jon Gosselin's primary personality traits are ruled by the Chinese Zodiac elemental animal, the Fire Snake. Snakes spend a lot of time in their own heads, but they are not usually worriers. Rather, they pass their quiet time in reflection and contemplation. In fact there is always more to learn about the Snake. Just when you think you know the Snake, you find out he has developed a totally new interest. More often than not they enjoy their own company more than that of other people. They easily lose themselves in their thoughts and derive great pleasure from so doing.

As you can see from Jon's personality traits, he’s more likely to keep his thoughts secret than to want to share. That is clearly the beginning of their problems. According to Kate, "It's very uncomfortable at this point... Jon has a lot of anger toward me... I would love to discuss it with him, and he won't talk to me. That's the truth." As for Jon: "I wasn't always the greatest communicator, so I know that.” An inability to share their feelings for each other has certainly played a role in the destruction of their love.

According to their Chinese Zodiac readings, Jon and Kate Gosselin made a terrible match. As a rule, they each tend to have little tolerance for the behaviors that are characteristic of each other's signs. For example, they both probably have a rather sharp tongue, which isn't appreciated by the other. Although they both made an effort to understand their differences and to compromise occasionally, their relationship has nevertheless been pushed to its breaking point. Accusations of mutual infidelity, child labor violations, public spanking, and antisocial behavior by their kids due to poor parenting has brought the family to its limits.

Divorce is always tough and it will be extraordinarily so for Jon and Kate Gosselin's brood of eight - because there are so many children, and because the drama will be played out in the public eye and on television. The reassurance of a loving mom and dad will help the children to heal. Chinese Astrology hopes that the Gosselins can figure out the best way to protect their children and ensure that the remainder of their childhood is a happy one, since their mother and father will only be separately at their sides.

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